Having an Amazing time at RA Camp-O-Ree!
What an awesome time. God's Love, Grace and Presence was clearly at Camporee. God Bless and enjoy

Thank You!
We want to thank all of the Churches, and Representatives from the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, WMU and the support from the GOTM, all of which made this year's event possible.
Saturday Event's Video

Nostalgia Photos
(Our Transition from Cordova Tn. to Linden Tn.)

From our 50th Anniversary Trivia

Did you know…
RA Camporee had a lake? When the Old Camporee was in Cordova TN. The camp was built around a small lake called “Lake Joy”. RA’s used if for fishing, canoeing and paddle boats.

Did you know…
At Old RA Camporee, there was a timed raft competition, where 2 RAs would sit in a raft, and would pull themselves across the lake, using a long rope stretched across from one bank to the other.

Did you know…
At the Old RA Camporee, owners of local race cars would frequently visit the camp each year and bring their Stock Car for kids to sit in. At lunch, the driver would start it up and rev the engine. It was really loud!

Did you know…
RA Camporee had a lake? When the Old Camporee was in Cordova TN. The camp was built around a small lake called “Lake Joy”. RA’s used if for fishing, canoeing and paddle boats.

Did you know…
At the Old RA Camporee there was a fun event called, “The Bridge of Virtues”. It had placards on both sides listing all of the 10 virtues. It was fun to cross.

Did you know…
At the Old RA Camporee, one of our members, who was an experienced balloonist, brought a Hot-Air Balloon tethered to the ground,

Did you know…
At the Old RA Camporee, we used to have “Boat Races” using the Boat Kits from “Make Tracks”. The boat would fit in a rain-gutter filled with water. Boys would use a straw to blow the sails. The fastest time won!

Did you know…
That “Wall” we climb over in the Survivor Course is over 20 years old? The old wall was just a straight wall with a poll vaulting bag on the other side to fall on. This one was created by one of our members to make it safer.

Did you know…
At the Old RA Camporee, One of the obstacles in the survivor course was “Team Skis”. They are NOT easy! Because it took so long, we no longer use them. BUT, we still have them. 😊

Did you know…
In 2010, Camp Linden flooded! Recognize this building? It is the cafeteria! Wonder if fish is on the menu?

Did you know…
We had a special guest who brought may beautiful exotic animals to share about God’s creation. He also brought a Gian Python that was over 16 feet long!

Did you know…
At old RA Camporee, we had an attendance of over 1,100 campers!!! It was very crowded to say the least.

Did you know…
Mr. Watts, One of the original founders of RA Camporee, used to be a Missionary in Brazil. He and his family were involved in a horrible car accident that injured several members of his family, He was confined to a wheelchair. But that didn’t slow him down. He and his wife both remained very active in the RA program and RA Camporee. Mr. Watts has since gone to be with the Lord.

Did you know…
Helicopters have been a regular part of both Old and New RA Camporee! Members of the local sheriff's departments at both camp would bring their choppers to the camp and land them for the boys to see.

Did you know…
Because of the flood in the spring of 2010, the camp Tabernacle was nearly destroyed. All the walls had to be removed. If you didn’t know, the tabernacle is the large open-air pavilion in front the cafeteria. We always used it for RA Racer competition. Because it was still damaged, we did the RA Racer competition that year in a tent by the Swimming pool! It was still fun.

Did you know…
RA Camporee has averaged attendance for the last 50 years at about 400-500 boys and leaders each year. If we averaged that at 450 per year, that would mean RA Camporee has ministered to over 22,000 campers! You can consider your group as part of that statistic. Thank you for your support!

Did you know…
At Old Camporee, one of our longtime supporters, tried to have fun with the kids at a campfire service one night. A wood plank was secured just below the surface of the water in the lake adjacent to the campfire. Dressed as an Indian he canoed up to dock, where the kids could just see him from campfire light. The trick was to walk on the plank as if he was walking on water but he missed a step and fell in!

Did you know…
Old camporee had a zipline? It was a 200’ long cable fastened between trees and a pully and seat to sit in.

Did you know…
We used to do our worship services outside by the playground? Because of our numbers, weather, electricity and outside distractions, it was decided to move indoors to the new Worship Center built shortly after RA Camporee moved to Linden.

Did you know…
Over 30 years, RA Camporee has hosted the Mission Hall event, allowing boys and leaders to meet missionaries from all over the world, in person or with the help of technology. RAs have been an inspiration to many of the missionaries. Likewise, the missionaries have been an inspiration to many of us. Be sure to thank them and ask how you can help.
See you next year...